New Forrester Report: The External Threat Intelligence Service Providers Landscape


Global Energy Company Powers up Intelligence Workflow

Case study

Decision-makers are empowered to better understand, mitigate and future proof risks with streamlined reporting and access to more timely, reliable intelligence, faster.

The Challenge

A global energy company was looking for a threat intelligence tool that would enable them to respond to their stakeholder’s priority intelligence requirements quickly and reliably. Due to the large, multinational presence of the organisation, there was a demand for the delivery of timely and actionable intelligence to over 30 regional CISOs.

The company’s threat intelligence team was newly established and consisted of a small group of analysts, meaning they lacked both the tools and manpower to produce a large number of deliverables on an ongoing basis to a variety of key decision-makers. They were finding themselves pivoting between multiple platforms and open-source data sets to collate information and manually build reports. This significantly hampered their efficiency and put the team under pressure.

Moreover, the energy industry’s constantly evolving threat landscape meant they needed a solution that could sift through vast amounts of data and deliver the most timely and relevant insights as intelligence needs changed.

The Solution

With Silobreaker, the energy company now has a single platform that allows them to search across multiple datasets, creating and disseminating reports from numerous dashboards easily and efficiently. Silobreaker has replaced the threat intelligence team’s manual, time-consuming tasks and processes with automatic data collection and processing mapped to their stakeholders’ PIRs, accompanied by powerful analytical tools to deliver highly relevant intelligence at scale.

The team is also able to automatically monitor industry threats to understand the TTPs being used and set up automated alerts to regional CISOs on a regular basis – allowing the team to focus on other areas of work. This includes providing bespoke intelligence to other departments, like specialist intelligence teams.

Silobreaker’s seamless ability to support a wide range of intelligence requirements also means that the team is able to support new stakeholders, most recently, by feeding intelligence to their vulnerability management team to give them confidence in their patch prioritisation efforts.

The Outcome

  • Search and monitor various sources of information, simplifying the process of creating and distributing reports that cater to the requirements of numerous key stakeholders
  • As a result, decision-makers can better understand and mitigate threats against the company, its systems, and the energy industry at large, and create policies to better protect the organisation in the future
  • Keep regional CISOs informed with regular alerts on current trending threats pertinent to their areas of operation, enabling them to prepare and prioritise tasking more effectively and prioritise tasking more effectively
  • Notify operations teams of any threats and risks targeting the company as early as possible so they can mitigate or remediate risks and threats


Global Energy Company

Company size

90,000+ employees

Solution users

CTI Analysts


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